I thought I'd just correct the...person who commented in the last post-- who claims I have no family. If you know anything about me, you'll know that I have one or two half-sisters. Tavi isn't the daughter of one of them, because I don't like those sisters. I can't remember how many of them there are because they're so demode. They didn't wear heels. The horror, hmm? I have not spoken to them since I last ate. (1812, at the overture).
So I just made Tavi my Niece actually. Because I'm Karl and I can. And before I had the Olsens-- that girl who exposed her crotch-- and others. However, Tavi isn't boring like them. You see, I've progressed from Niece as fashion accessory- to Niece as human being. I have fingerless gloves now, instead. And collars. Mmm, collars. Lick them, my little babies, but don't touch.
Anyway, I was going through Yves' old photos and I found this one. The best guess to who it is gets a Yohji Yamamoto bat costume!
Yves daughter, perhaps?
That dress... looks impressionist inspired.
Oh she looks so chic in her Mondrian dress. Have you thought about sending this to the costume institute at the Met? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to have an image of such a chic child in one of their exhibits.
R. x
I know that, I didn't mean you don't have ANY family. I meant you don't interact with them on a daily basis. And everybody knows you hate kids. And you don't believe kids are chic, that's why you don't design for them.
Have a nice day Fake Karl.
come on Karl U have family, remember Ur father in Germany? He is dead now but still, and U have told people how Ur moms clothes still inspire U!
i truly hope you are joking
its inspired by modern art - mondrian specifically
that girl loos really familiar, i just cant figure out who it is...
victoire de castellane?
yves saint laurent's mondrian dress... I wish he had made a "manhattan boogie-woogie" dress too...
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