Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fashion Owls

So Victoria walks right into my office, hands on what remain of her hips with those big bug-eye glasses. Giant circular...things that take up most of her face making her look not so much like an insect as an owl that's had it's fat sucked out of it and all that remains is the bones. Her mouth is in a quizzical "O" and she appears to be attempting to frown. Apart from she can't frown so she gets her assistant (can you believe she only has one?!) to frown for her. I didn't quite catch what she was saying- and that's not the point of this post, hmm? Nobody really listens to Vicky anyway.

The point of this post is to tell all of you to dispose of your oversized circular sunglasses right now. It is demode, as you fashion people like to say. Throw them out. Melt them. Burn them. Lick them. Cook them. Just do not wear them. Please. Yes, I just said please.

I am that serious. So serious I'm saying please. I don't really mean please, but I hear that you humans like to hear things like that to do things. "Manners", you call them. Like commands.

You fashion owls you.


Ana Paula Pasquali Ferrér said...

so Karl, what kind of glasses should people wear now?

Anonymous said...

but what about the once from chanels last collection?

Anonymous said...

really Karl??? what people should wear now.....the tinny lennon ones that don't cover your eyes of anything?????? And make you forehead wrinkly for the effort of your eyes against the sun????? And make your face look big and awakard and fat???....No Karl I think you miss the point in this one.

Anonymous said...


water said...

Poor little lady:
I can feel your pain. I can show you how to be beautiful:

1. Keep you away from so called designer “marc jacobs”. He is destroying you.
2. Take good care of your children, make them great people. Mr. Beckham will love you more...
3. Lead your children to Museum, beach, library
4. Lead yourself to charity...

Your children & the world will respect you as a beautiful lady

[oversized sunglasses made you ugly]

Anonymous said...

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