The comment is...
"Ha ha ha. Oh wow, your wit and humor is about as brilliant as the gray crayon in a box of crayola. How very original and delightful! Eating disorders, and models! Ha ha, truly, I'm impressed! Now do one about schizophrenia! Or breast cancer!"*
Obviously someone wasn't reading the packet right. I love these demode people (like this person) who say things like this, hmm? It gives me a good chuckle, every night. As I curl up upside down in my closet every night and put my extra dark glasses on, with a glass of hot diet Coke, and I chuckle quietly to myself in my Franco-German accent. You can imagine it, I'm sure. It's a deep rumble like oil dropping at the bottom of dry well; amplified by large Champagne-glass shaped microphones.
Now, we all know that this isn't a humor site...but if you insist...
Models with schizophrenia and breast cancer are the best ones to hire, hmm?
Or even better...schizophrenia with models are the best breast cancer to hire, hmm?
Or simply: schizophrenia with breast cancer are the best to hire, hmm?
Simply or: breast cancer with schizophrenia are models to best hire, hmm?
I feel like William S Burroughs. We now return to regular programming.
*Oh, by the way. The crayons would be black and white. Everybody knows that. Jil Sander or somebody like that would do grey, hmm?
Hot Diet Coke? Uncle Karl, you are my hero.
Good day, sir.
I find it fascinating that we both enjoy hanging in our closets. Its where I feel the safest. I gaze around at the things I've aquired over the years and weep over whats lost
Do you, in the privacy of your own home, cheat by drinking your hot diet coke from a mug? Or do you use fine china?
You wouldn't......use a champagne flute.....?....surely?????
I've just bought the January issue of Elle Italia... how come you said nothing about your interview there? Anyway, I was delighted to read about your relationship (or, better, non-relationship) with God, Faith, and all that stuff... What a relief! And you really are "senza peli sulla lingua" (meaning "without hairs on your tongue", like someone who says everything he thinks without caring of others' opinions or feelings, a quality I really appreciate) in everything you told!
my god that person! They're so ridiculously démodé. I'm not really thre chicest of people but that person makes me feel very chic in comparison.
I don't understand why those démodé people keep on posting comments even though you don't care about their opinion! Some time I wish the guillotine was still in use...
What I think is amusing is how people keep taking this so SERIOUSLY.
p.s. I didn't type this, I sent it to my computer by closet radio. I hang there right now.
sad trolls, they lurk BEHIND the closet, only dreaming to be let in there. That is why they are so bitter....
I just came across your blog. Its fabulous! and this post is hysterical.
If we didn't make light of the serious, the world would be a very sad place indeed. Satire, look it up.
Dearest Uncle/God,
Oh may I know how, how can you delete the comments from your blog if you write your entries on a paper (of course, only with the KL logo on it) using only your favourite pencil? I suppose you don't do such demode things as managing the blog yourself.
Is that one of your many super/god powers? I mean, when you don't even need to log in or use the computer, the demode comments of demode people just get deleted themselves because they're already too embarassed to be seen by you?
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