Ducks; birds; assistants- it doesn't matter. She's got the camo gear (Chanel, of course) and gun (again Chanel) and everything else. She reminds me of a Tory-voting British country-lady; the sort with hairs of her face protruding outwards. She rather suits this role, I think.
And then she screams "PEEETTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAA" really loud.
The Vogue offices are going to be a bit different from now on.
(And oh, Anna's still upset at the closing down of Men's Vogue. It provided her with...underwear models and such. I'm upset too. I thought that was the point of her little magazine?).
lol. this is so funny, keep it up!
it's not right to take away men's vogue. And their canceling Fashion Rocks
Did Men's Vogue really close down?
Good. It featured OLD people. Daniel Craig is featured on the front over of this month's and he made me retch all over the shelves.
GQ is much more chic. Although Chanel should do more to promote their men's line.
The penises need Chanel too, hmm?
they need a mens mag with hotter male models
karl, you should start one. with brad.
Only you can rock the “Vogue”, Anna.
Shooter, you turn me on!
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